About This Blog (what makes it so special?)

You might ask what makes my thoughts about books, games, and movies anything special. (I mean, who doesn’t blog about such things?) So what does make it special? The quick answer: nothing! I am writing this mostly to sort out my own ideas. If I develop a following, so much the better, but even if my wife ends up being my only fan, I can still benefit from sorting out my thoughts as I go through my reading list or as I try to analyze a movie from my latest trip to the theater.

A few notes that might be helpful:

  • I have very specific tastes, especially in books. To see how compatible our opinions might be, take a look at the list of my  Top Ten Books and my Top Ten Movies.
  • I tag all of my posts with either “Spoilers” or “No Spoilers.” One of the worst things is when trying to find information on a book, a reviewer lets something slip; I try to keep that from happening. Spoiler posts will also include a warning in the title, and most spoiler posts will also include a shorter non-spoiler companion.
  • Most books here will be High Fantasy, though there are some exceptions of dalliance into Sci Fi, general fantasy, or even general fiction. Non-fiction will rarely be discussed, though I won’t exclude the possibility.
  • Games are either video or board games. I love both.
  • I love to extensively use tags. If you like my commentary on an author’s book, you will likely be able to find my comments on that author’s other works by clicking on the appropriate tags. Organization is a beautiful thing… use it!
  • The only thing I love more than tags is when guests comment on my posts. While I am doing this primarily for me, I will take any comments to heart and post accordingly.

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